Khatme Nubuwwat Centre (KNC) was set up in 1989 as a religious space for the Muslim community in Lambeth. As a former Methodist Church, the large building provided a fantastic space for Muslims to observe and practice their faith. In the community, we have become known as Stockwell Mosque or Stockwell Green Muslim Centre.
KNC provides a wide range of services to the diverse Muslim community of Lambeth and London. KNC objectives include:
• to advance the Islamic religion (by the provision of a mosque for prayer facilities)
• to advance Islamic education for both children and adults (by the provision of Madrassah for Quran classes)
• to promote religious harmony by fostering better relations between Muslims and people of other faiths and none.

Our Centre is multicultural, and our attendees represent a variety of backgrounds including European, Middle Eastern, South Asian, African, Arabian etc. We welcome people from all backgrounds to our Centre to join us. According to Lambeth Council, the Muslims population of Lambeth was 7% in 2011. The Centre has seen a steady increase of the Muslim population as time has gone by, with a number of people turning to Islam at the Centre.
The Centre is open 7 days a week and can accommodate approximately 650 worshippers at any one time, a dramatic increase from its humble beginnings in the 1980s when it was open for 1 day a week. In addition to the daily prayers which are well attended, the Centre is very popular during Friday prayers, Ramadan (the month of fasting) and the two Eid celebrations. Because of its popularity and the growing local population, we are now looking at growing our Centre.
Our aims include the following:
– To provide the community in and around Lambeth with a safe space for a range of spiritual, cultural, social, educational and training activities;
– To empower the community to develop a greater self-confidence through a sense of belonging and by affirming its religious identity;
– To encourage the community to be at one with itself in order to participate pro-actively in enhancing the vibrant, successful, multi-cultural and multi-ethnic community in Lambeth;
– To advance public knowledge, understanding and acceptance of Islam and the belief of finality of prophethood;
– To act as a resource for the Muslim communities, voluntary and statutory agencies and the wider community as a whole;
– To work in close partnership with the statutory and voluntary sector, integrating and complimenting the Centre’s services with existing provisions;
– To liaise and work closely with various faiths towards achieving community cohesion through interreligious dialogue.